Ordered by patterns
Our world is ordered by patterns
What do we see?
What might we see?
How complex? How creative?
What qualities?
What more, what more?
Ad infinitum
To shapes of wholeness
In motion
:- Doug.
Our world is ordered by patterns
What do we see?
What might we see?
How complex? How creative?
What qualities?
What more, what more?
Ad infinitum
To shapes of wholeness
In motion
:- Doug.
We fear others who are liberal or tea partiers or Republicans or fundamentalists or extremists or conservative or occupiers or Democrats. Why? Because we fear they are one-dimensional, fanatical. We forget too easily that every person is whole, rounded, with hundreds of aspects and loving.
:- Doug.
The world-life is a mystical place
Filled with vital things we do not know and beautiful
To tantalize and nurture all
:- Doug.
Bankers, business plan, accounting, taxes, supplies, employees, customers, children, husbands, parents—what’s your current biggest challenge? What’s the next one looming?
:- Doug.
Please contribute—throw your quandaries, your vulnerabilities—into our circle!
:- Doug.
How many cells in a human brain? We are learning that memory and intellectual activity and creativity occur not in single cells but in many at once and over distances; more accurately in the pathways and relationships among them. Take away one or a handful of these cells and the work still gets done, the memory remembered. Might the same be true of this group of people? Might we be more creative, have more ways of seeing and working our issues and opportunities?
:- Doug.
How many brains per person?
How many people do you touch?
:- Doug.
Nor round
nor sphere
but close to these
is the world
of influences
surrounding our
touching, meeting, togethering
pointing finger misses
what many arms embrace
:- Doug.
What are all the pieces of information bombarding us that can lead us through overload to new apprehension and comprehension?
:- Doug.
I am looking for writers who open us to new ways of seeing the world, for these open us to new ways of meeting it: new futures, more whole.
:- Doug.
For different people we are different people: active, imaginative, fat, old, grubbing, evocative, loving, despised, handsome, giving, creative. We have coalesced out of all these views of each, observer participancy writ as arms and legs and facial expressions. Mother, father, teacher, friend have all met in us, still meet in us. Their voices echo down the corridors of our memory, itself not a single neuron switched on or off, but pathways and flashes and movements within our brains: meeting. So when I see a person, I see a meeting space, engaged now.
:- Doug.
In our society we have equated elderly with infirmity, in-valid-ity. Yet other times and cultures have learned this is a time of rich harvest and that elders are a precious resource.
:- Doug.
Is how we get it done
:- Doug.
Memories, thoughts, instructions for finger movements are distributed across neurons, are in neuronal relationships. In the brain memory and function accomplishments arise from meeting.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1284
Write peculiar little poems
Invite small uncomfortable conversations
Open intimate vulnerable spaces
This is a big work
Please pass it on.
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Disturbing the system
In just this certain way
Tickle here, tickle there
We cannot help but laugh
Even when squealing Stop! Help!
:- Doug.
You are the meeting-space. The betweens are indeed not just outside your body. They form around you because you are there. You are there because here was and is meeting-space.
:- Doug.
Meeting is the seed of the universes. Everything happens when two meet. Meeting generates itself, pulls others in. Meeting creates inviters, fosters reasons to invite: ideas, excitement, novelty. Meeting spawns persons, voices, meeting. Meeting is the stuff of life—it nourishes.
:- Doug.
How is a river the same thing when it never is—every minute different water, flotsam & jetsam? Even the banks are washed and accrete. What is its identity? What’s yours?
:- Doug.
Whole-making is a larger thing out in the fields.
:- Doug.
Don’t make me fight when I don’t want to anymore.
:- Doug.
I don’t want to go anywhere, just want to keep sitting here in your lap.
:- Doug.
I am jumping to get up off my cushion and into lumping and bumping!
:- Doug.