Throw in these
Please contribute—throw your quandaries, your vulnerabilities—into our circle!
:- Doug.

Please contribute—throw your quandaries, your vulnerabilities—into our circle!
:- Doug.
How many cells in a human brain? We are learning that memory and intellectual activity and creativity occur not in single cells but in many at once and over distances; more accurately in the pathways and relationships among them. Take away one or a handful of these cells and the work still gets done, the memory remembered. Might the same be true of this group of people? Might we be more creative, have more ways of seeing and working our issues and opportunities?
:- Doug.
Nor round
nor sphere
but close to these
is the world
of influences
surrounding our
touching, meeting, togethering
pointing finger misses
what many arms embrace
:- Doug.
What are all the pieces of information bombarding us that can lead us through overload to new apprehension and comprehension?
:- Doug.