Writers I want to read
I am looking for writers who open us to new ways of seeing the world, for these open us to new ways of meeting it: new futures, more whole.
:- Doug.

I am looking for writers who open us to new ways of seeing the world, for these open us to new ways of meeting it: new futures, more whole.
:- Doug.
For different people we are different people: active, imaginative, fat, old, grubbing, evocative, loving, despised, handsome, giving, creative. We have coalesced out of all these views of each, observer participancy writ as arms and legs and facial expressions. Mother, father, teacher, friend have all met in us, still meet in us. Their voices echo down the corridors of our memory, itself not a single neuron switched on or off, but pathways and flashes and movements within our brains: meeting. So when I see a person, I see a meeting space, engaged now.
:- Doug.
In our society we have equated elderly with infirmity, in-valid-ity. Yet other times and cultures have learned this is a time of rich harvest and that elders are a precious resource.
:- Doug.
Memories, thoughts, instructions for finger movements are distributed across neurons, are in neuronal relationships. In the brain memory and function accomplishments arise from meeting.
:- Doug.