Then the parts
A play comes first, then the parts
the game and then its pawns & board
a planet and then its rocks & rills
Whole creates the parts
:- Doug.

A play comes first, then the parts
the game and then its pawns & board
a planet and then its rocks & rills
Whole creates the parts
:- Doug.
Our ethical task is to somehow find each other, to help each other find our own way.
:- Doug.
In family, in community, we can help each other live well. What is more important than that?
:- Doug.
Sunshine and wind, green
Leaf with your fellows buffeted,
Dazzled, like me
:- Doug.
Sometimes we are called to stick our nose in where we might otherwise think it did not belong.
:- Doug.
Deeper than expected, conversation is
—Hearing others
—Hearing our hearts
—Thinking together
:- Doug.
If you do not bring love to the business world, you are no good to either business or love.
:- Doug.
Some see
The wind reaching down
To the grasses
And the grains of earth
As much as it sways the tree
Even reaching you and me
Sometimes I can see
The wind reaching up
Out of the grasses
Out of the grains of earth
Up to sway the tree
Up from G*d
Around even you and me
:- Doug.
Now here, now there
Light rain touches pond
Is this how divinity
Taps our shoulders?
Maybe those are
Taps on my shoulders?
:- Doug.
Wick wants flame
Heart seeks closeness
We need no convincing
Invite wick and flame
To feel each other’s reach
:- Doug.
Between the leaves
there is an opening
just large enough for my
vision to slip through
beyond, space & colors
fragrance & rhythms open out
dancing within th’infinite you
:- Doug.
I am giving away my life
it’s the only thing I have to give
I hope it’s large enough
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1266
If we can’t laugh, what sanity is there?
Please pass it on.
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The something large we can give away is conversation: within the family, between patient and physician, between client and lawyer. Conversation informs, conversation reshapes, conversation creates.
:- Doug.
As to dying our own deaths consider how we deny each other our own deaths by chemotherapy continued too long, looking for a cure when healing is what we really want, not giving comfort measures, dying in a violent and noisy and distinctly unrestful environment.
:- Doug.
It is the right thing to do, to start this conversation. Give away something big and important.
:- Doug.
Here is the ethical question I see: Ought we lawyers and doctors, parents and children to tell people of their right to their own death? Ought we with them to open the conversation about their choices, to help them choose?
:- Doug.