this or that?
Am I
is he or she
is the really real
good or bad?
black or white
for me or against me
transcendent or imminent
this or that?
Now arises an inkling—
could be both
& all
:- Doug.

Am I
is he or she
is the really real
good or bad?
black or white
for me or against me
transcendent or imminent
this or that?
Now arises an inkling—
could be both
& all
:- Doug.
I have decided that all people until proven otherwise are my soul-mates, on the same walk as me, working for the common good.
:- Doug.
Speak to the spark
Left inside you by creation
Inside others, inside yourself
:- Doug.
You are divine when—and because—you create—What will satisfy the soul except to make your best—to give your all—for the world?
:- Doug.