Death is not
Death is not the enemy
of life
rather a part of it
of me
rather one of my chapters
:- Doug.

Death is not the enemy
of life
rather a part of it
of me
rather one of my chapters
:- Doug.
Tiny bird, I’ve not seen you before
hopping among the grasses
life interacting with life, conversing
the grasses, living, are in your way
you are looking for a mite or a worm
among them hidden
and yet you could not say
if you had speech
that these grasses are in your way
for they provide habitat for your meal
but maybe you already understood
:- Doug.
Unexpectedly high a butterfly climbs
Through the tree
Through the wind
Quickly finding its way
I could not so easily avoid limbs and leaves
But the butterfly is used to
Her own speed
She calls to me
And even my eyes that fast
Do not go
She is gone
But I have followed
A step or two
:- Doug.
If I am feeling opposed, mostly I oppose myself:
mainly within my head and my worrying
Open flower, hear, allow in the wings buzzing and whispering
:- Doug.