Words are how
Words are how you have been speaking to me, or rather how I (think I) have been hearing you. Of course you can speak other languages: touch, rhythm, story, silence.
Silence, then; silence, Now. You.
:- Doug.

Words are how you have been speaking to me, or rather how I (think I) have been hearing you. Of course you can speak other languages: touch, rhythm, story, silence.
Silence, then; silence, Now. You.
:- Doug.
Saddened immensely I am when I hear of someone burning their work: they have kept it from others who might from there take off. Or maybe it would hold back some or all of us. How can we know?
I think we need to reach out and make whole where and when and how we can. Ours is not to question its effectiveness or even wisdom.
:- Doug.
If flowers have not the butterflies and bees to carry their pollen, the winds to carry their seeds, the rains to nourish, their species dies out. Flowers cannot survive without conversation.
:- Doug.
We teach by what we demonstrate. If we demonstrate “Sit there, listen only,” we get nothing. If we demonstrate conversation, we increase our chances of conversation.
:- Doug.
Am I to silence
my lips, my pen?
Keep to myself
my thoughts, my prayers?
I pray sometimes
to people about:
please help, please open
our world, include voices
you had not heard
hear their prayer, our prayer
words I hear
seem no answer
still, open
:- Doug.