The Bible you spout convicts you
Who is stealing from the poor? The Bible that the thieves spout so fluidly convicts them, but they think it speaks of someone else.
It goes beyond buying sweat-shop athletic shoes: it invades our oil infested lives. We buy beef from Argentina: how did it get here? The fertilizer that fed its feed, of how much oil was it made? We complain about the cost of gasoline for our vehicles, yet our government subsidizes the oil companies who pay off the sultans who stole the oil from their own poor. We buy strawberries from California, yet grow good ones here: how much oil is in your strawberries?
The world is entangled, and so it is hard to figure out what comes from poor folks’ oil lands and how much was our own labor and ingenuity. But that fact convicts us too: we cannot as easily as we do dismiss as not us the Muslim dying of hunger in an open sewer in Indonesia; we cannot so easily speak of a terrorist around the world when we saw our own police terrorize our poor and hungry in New Orleans…and we did nothing.
We are an entangled, engaged, related world. None of us is separate. The way to open our hearts is to open our minds, our eyes, our front doors, and go out and meet the people who with us are our world.
:- Doug.