Death enriching life?
Can death—Dad’s, Mom’s—
enrich our lives
—& theirs?
:- Doug.

Had a conversation recently that did not go as I would have liked. I needed to be stern, but I did not temper my sternness. How can we be gracious and stern at the same time?
It probably comes down to being loving first. Conversational and open second. Persevering third.
Only take Let’s work together for an answer. Keep looking together.
Worth a try.
:- Doug.
Once I struggled to bring my business and my world work together. I used to lead a workshop called “Quit your job, get on with your calling.” I found that lots of people share the frustration between making a living and doing their larger work. It is not so much a matter of passion but of getting outside yourself, a matter of getting on to whole-making. Once we figure out how to make our calling consume our life, we can live.
:- Doug.