Either flowing or thrashing
We’re either riding the white water waves or we’re creating them, either flowing with or thrashing them up, going in the eco direction, or the ego.
:- Doug.

We’re either riding the white water waves or we’re creating them, either flowing with or thrashing them up, going in the eco direction, or the ego.
:- Doug.
We might think of we as a collection of individuals, yet there is a sense in which individuals are teased apart threads of the whole. There is a scientific view that the whole is as necessary to understanding the parts as the parts are to understanding the whole, that the whole is fully rolled up in each of us. So when I speak of family, consider that I might be holding a picture of a whole, an unbroken thread back to Eve and Adam if you will. Therefore we might together catch the edge of the moving shadow of how we can be—and we don’t have to convince anybody, just be alert to what—and who—is already here.
:- Doug.
It is an abstraction to see an individual as separate from the whole, as it were drawing that limb unnaturally apart from its body. Mostly we think it an abstract notion to see the whole as giving birth to the parts, when we are abstracting in just the opposite direction. What else do we see backwards?
:- Doug.
How do you want your children and grandchildren to experience your death?
:- Doug.