Sometimes a hammer/…
Sometimes a hammer
Sometimes a bell
Sometimes a song
A screwdriver to turn the turner
An awl, a brace, a lance
A hoe & a spade
Some space
Build & grow
A home a conversation a people
:- Doug.

Sometimes a hammer
Sometimes a bell
Sometimes a song
A screwdriver to turn the turner
An awl, a brace, a lance
A hoe & a spade
Some space
Build & grow
A home a conversation a people
:- Doug.
Job tells us
God is not moral nor just
But God comes face to face
:- Doug.
A new conversation
might be generated by
yearning & insistence
rage & alienation
resentment & guilt
How do we risk so?
What if I answer with
destruction, anger?
or demand you do right?
Does that bring
a new conversation?
Disputing may just draw
you to me
What if I destabilize you
question your security
your place in your precarious world
your role in the life you’ve lived
up to now?
What if I change your subject
not as politicians do
but displace and marginalize
your questions because
you miss the larger?
Not dismissing but opening
I might name your ghost
name you & free you from fear
assure you, change you, help you
show you my pain caused by your absence
I could get in your face
compel you to respond
ask for your remorse
or share my own
Might I demand you
so that I can breathe
so that we can exist
so that all can live?
Any of this will
transform our conversation
& through our conversation
our world
Will we use our spine?
:- Doug.