Why we share laughs
We share laughs because we want to say There’s something here to enjoy.
:- Doug.

We share laughs because we want to say There’s something here to enjoy.
:- Doug.
What’s inside that would make the world better?
:- Doug.
The world is only better if it is better for all.
:- Doug.
What do you love that gets you out of your self? What do you love that gets us to we?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1217
Say what you’re noticing. Noticing is the first step toward what’s profound, what’s important, what’s humane.
Please pass it on.
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If you could do what you love as an act of service, what would it be?
:- Doug.
What would make this world better, would serve the whole?
:- Doug.
To engage the world means to engage others; to engage others means to converse with or without words or sounds; to engage the world means that you—all of us—are in charge, and in charge for what has meaning and liveliness and love all for service of the whole.
:- Doug.
What would you dearly love to bring to this world that would be of service?
:- Doug.
We Western humans these days have two opposite errors in our thinking: We think that we are not in charge; We think that we are in charge. We think that politicians and officials are in charge of the world, when most often we have abdicated this responsibility. We think the other people around us are out to get us, and we need to get ours first, so we set goals and do other things to take charge, to grab what’s “ours.” The error is the same: we see others as separate from us and we are powerless against them. When once we see we are part of the only life on this planet, then we can find our proper power, realize that we are in charge, that what we love matters, and that we must take charge as an act of service, this one life comes together, life makes sense. We are in charge…as an act of service.
:- Doug.
Invite and entice people out as their fullest wholest person. What are you about? Who are you deepest down?
:- Doug.
The key to goals is never goals
but rather clarity
in your direction, ours
:- Doug.
The way to peace runs
Through our voices, yours & mine
Provided they first run through
Our hearts
From there they can run through our heads
It matters not
Provided they first run through
Our whole
:- Doug.
I dreamed in a dream of one
City & America & world
Immersed in life and conversing
:- Doug.
I wish to infuse myself among you
Till I see it common for you
To converse hand in hand
:- Doug.
Two strands, one thread, gossamer
Many whispers, one voice
Gossamer, gossamer, gossamer all
Cheaper language and rational
Deeper language that evokes,
Embraces with divinity
Gossamer, gossamer, gossamer all
:- Doug.
To make of your life something more than a competition: you can choose.
:- Doug.