Tightly woven
The whole cloth is tightly woven, so you cannot tease out on thread without pulling on all the others. My whole work, our whole-making work, is conversation.
:- Doug.

The whole cloth is tightly woven, so you cannot tease out on thread without pulling on all the others. My whole work, our whole-making work, is conversation.
:- Doug.
This year, thousands will die of not hearing. Hearing one another. Hearing is more than listening, more than preparing your response. This year, thousands will die of not being heard. Being heard is essential to continuing to live.
:- Doug.
We’re frustrated with one another and so we shout at “them.” We’re frustrated with one another because we have forgotten how to dialogue. We don’t know how to hear, how to meet.
:- Doug.
Let’s reduce the President’s office to one 6-month term: let’s have citizen Presidents. No one has to give up her or his job for an impossible time. It is honor and duty, like jury service. Perhaps this way we can have a true presidency of the people and some consistent tapping into the wisdom of the people. Perhaps we can do away with the constant media haranguing by the people who make lots of money if their way is implemented. Perhaps the ideologues will have only sand in which their tires may seek a purchase. Perhaps something like this can give us back our country and our world.
:- Doug.