Wholeness is not a matter of doing
Wholeness is not a matter of doing, but of being, but not only or merely passive being, active too.
:- Doug.

Wholeness is not a matter of doing, but of being, but not only or merely passive being, active too.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1218
I fell into a hole
For a project & on a mission
To get some wrenches
Striding through the door
My forward motion
—Turned straight down
Surprise, lost, unknowing
Words insufficiently strong
For my disorientation
My world, my purpose—disappeared
Scraping shin
Striking ribcage
Pain shooting from here from there
Not even time to ask What’s this?
My attention—wrenched—
In less than a trice
Only later was there time
To recall I’d opened
The hole to shut off the water
Please pass it on.
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God is this Now. God is the eternal, the out of time, not the one who is out of time, but the very out of time.
:- Doug.
The warmest coat, the warmest blanket has lots of openings to hold air and warmth. Letting air into the compost heap feeds the working. The most creative gatherings open space for creativity to work, heat and flourish.
:- Doug.
Open to the breezes of the times, of the people who touch you and who are touched by you, of the timeless all there is. Open to free yourself, open to invite all, open to come whole and come home. Open!
:- Doug.