Footprints in the Windsm # 1216–We in America have lost our way
Footprints in the Windsm # 1216
We in America have lost our way. Perhaps we in the whole of the earth. We have lost our heart, our vision. Surely we are perishing. Perishing in a world of hate and division (di-vision?), of people too moderate, of holy wars and physical killings, of genocide and homophobia, of refusing to see the other as our sister. We have no longer the pride in our melting pot, no longer the songs that call us together, no longer any brother-feeling. A choice we do not see, maybe do not want to see, lies before us: we can jump into this endless slough; or we can do the hard work of moving us all to higher ground. If we choose the latter the only way, the only way, is the work of finding and meeting and freeing the higher that is common among us. Therefore we must get out among us. We must meet people and be open to the surprising in us. From here arise new hymns and songs.
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