Living well all the way through
Eldering is about living well all the way through.
:- Doug.

If we had a real trip in a time machine to past times, would we not also grow younger…and might we not become the gleam in our grandfather’s eye before the glimmer in our father’s eye…that is, only a twinkle once or twice removed?
:- Doug.
Self-organizing is a communal activity, not something one person does, but it requires the all. It is critical to realize (in both senses) we are connected in order to self-organize.
:- Doug.
Peggy Holman invites us to the practice of doing what you love as an act of service. From this we can see that fun = passion, or what you love, or your essence. This practice makes the bridge between conversing and fun. We converse about what we love as an act of service. Conversing is an act of service.
:- Doug.