I’ve got just about 20 years
I’ve got just 20 years or so to spread this game—what’ll be most effective first?
:- Doug.

I’ve got just 20 years or so to spread this game—what’ll be most effective first?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1214
Divine are the snowflakes
dancing, floating, flying
divine is each
each faces me and asks
do you see me?
Please pass it on.
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What things do people see as fun? Singing, dancing, jokes, games—
A dance then to clean up our neighborhood
A songfest then to start a big conversation
The games then to make this city work for all…just for this weekend
:- Doug.
Let’s have inverse street theatre—where we engage people in fun that meaningfully brings conversing…and then leave them to make good things happen. Good games!
:- Doug.
Something I need to have in my conversing work: fun! It is a key way to reach people, perhaps the only way. We all want a why, and the why we want is fun. Fun means meaning and connection and stretching to use our all.
:- Doug.
You are God. She is God. He is God. The trees are God. I am God. If you think we had gone beyond pantheism, perhaps we have not gone far enough around that barn to see the whole.
:- Doug.