The more we are particular, the more we are universal…
The more we are particular
The more we are universal
For every particular
Is universal
In a particular way
& this is the thread
The runs through
:- Doug.

The more we are particular
The more we are universal
For every particular
Is universal
In a particular way
& this is the thread
The runs through
:- Doug.
We have a meaningless life in a purposeless, random universe—if we live only on reason. But when we move beyond to something larger—heart and spirit—goodness and beauty—here we have hope.
:- Doug.
An opportunity to sort
Why do we humans seek to sort?
To find integrity, our one truth
The thing that matters, that makes it all hang together
Order? Order as beauty?
Love? Direction? Meeting?
Meeting again?
A way through chaos?
Things to discard, things to keep
Things to lighten our load so we can move out into sacred possibilities
A pole to keep our spirit homing to one day return from our adventure
Sorting implies something existing & knowledge or experience of the something
Sorting knows little of possibility
& yet sorting has its place in freeing us to see possibility
:- Doug.