The world is about relation and choosing….
The world is about relation and choosing. We are related to all there is; daily we choose how to stick our noses in.
:- Doug.

The world is about relation and choosing. We are related to all there is; daily we choose how to stick our noses in.
:- Doug.
Before I pull out of my drive, if I want to go to California it is useful to look at a map and see it is West and a little South of South Bend. It helps in making the mile by mile decisions. Seeing a big picture is useful. That’s probably why I like philosophy and theology.
:- Doug.
What if we need no scientific theory of everything, but if indeed something like it already existed in quantum physics? w\What if we had found the minute building blocks and they were indeed telling us we lived in a world of choice and not determinacy, a world of interrelatedness and interconnection instead of objective separation within here, out there, a world bizarre? What if all along our pictures-theories had been collapsing all possibilities into this one we aloofly measured?
:- Doug.