This total world
We live in a total world and have both feet in its beauty and mud: ought we then rush to clamber out, when we can bathe in this lake and become heroes of our tribe, gatherers of the best that lives in our compadres?
:- Doug.

We live in a total world and have both feet in its beauty and mud: ought we then rush to clamber out, when we can bathe in this lake and become heroes of our tribe, gatherers of the best that lives in our compadres?
:- Doug.
Assume in your words and sentences people want the higher: an engaged life; inclusiveness.
:- Doug.
Some crusts taste good, the crunch a delight to tongue and mouth and teeth; sometimes we need the nourishment of the main part of the bread. So it is with our religion: crusts need to be cracked open.
:- Doug.
The face of disability is changing and it is us. We are becoming an aging society and our living longer has revealed to us new accouterments of aging in the form of various dementias, most of which are physical. Our laws and our views of the rights of people need to keep pace. Should a person so afflicted be imprisoned in one place, unable to change residence to a place where she can be more free, better cared for? We have a right to move about the country—if we have our full physical faculties. But as soon as those faculties have waned, we say they cannot change the legal status of their lives. Is this in keeping with our highest values of freedom?
:- Doug.
Vast, tantalizing is this world
Vast, tantalizing are we within it
Vast, tantalizing is the world we can make
:- Doug.
No longer only an advocate of conversing, now an explorer of new continents, a Columbus setting out to see.
:- Doug.
My work is at once larger—for the world—and smaller—to be worked out in daily-sized doses.
:- Doug.