Still living at your age?
We are still living at this age not because there is something for us to do; rather there is to love more opportunity given us.
:- Doug.

We are still living at this age not because there is something for us to do; rather there is to love more opportunity given us.
:- Doug.
They also serve—
and often serve the best—
who open heartedly sit and wait
:- Doug.
When your time comes to die where would you like to be and with whom?
:- Doug.
“Power and grace” are words that apply to the people around you.
:- Doug.
These conversations turning about end of life caring are lively and life-affirming; these conversations are fun when you get them going; the essence of courage is to take a breath and ask people to converse; the essence of conversation, these conversations, is love.
:- Doug.
Give up self, self-surrender: We have this conversation not so much with one another as for one another.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1209
Write a gift book: something to give your best to the world.
Please pass it on.
© c 2012, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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The way we learn from book or professor is to observe how this picture fits with our own life experience. Learning is noticing—what we have already seen, perhaps in a new light—or what is new to our eyes. Can we notice anything that does not fit?
:- Doug.
Since our praying is opening
Since our meeting is opening
Our living becomes opening
:- Doug.
G*d is new
ever new to me
so much to explore
so much to meet
so much creating
:- Doug.
To enjoy all features
of the gift of life
we need to do some assembly
:- Doug.
Praying is opening ourselves to the divine. In the garden he opened with “Not my will, but yours.”
:- Doug.
Half or full?
are measured only
by the measure of
—how much of yourself
will you give?
:- Doug.
Setting a word into motion, even if the other or others say nothing audible in response, make no visible motion, advances the work of the whole and can rightly be called conversation, for here a person hears his or her expression and sees where it is weak and strong and the way it yet has to travel. No less so the writer and his or her book advances us.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1208
Calling it all together
Let us be about facing the world and
ourselves as real,
actors upon one another,
timidly going unknowing to meet
who & what reaches forth to meet usLet us be about
Let us see wider, further
Let us open to our perceptions without
letting our conceptions get in our way
Let us be about meeting the true faceSo much as we are able, let us be about
ever coming out of our hiding places
and finding something
much larger to trust
Please pass it on.
© c 2012, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
God is someone who invites me
To see larger
To see other people
To see through the eyes of other people
To hear through their ears
To see other worlds
To see beyond one truth
& one way of seeing
To see beyond one reality
& one way of being
To see the world of inviting
To see the world of love
:- Doug.
Maybe the question is Who are we? Especially: Who are we in relation? For language which tries to understand God and Jesus tends to run quickly toward the magical, the magickal, the neverland. We must remember that somehow reality has to fit together. So how do we fit together; and is it here we can find God?
If we are simply animal, we eat and are eaten: that is that. But if we are more, it is because we connect outside our skins. This very relation pulls us up, gives us our inklings of divinity. We have not yet seen or defined God for the simple reason that we are inventing God as we go. We live inside our notions of God. But more than that, as we find each other, as we touch and are touched, here is God anew. Was God there all along for our discovery? How can we know? The old word might serve us well here: invent; invent as in discover something pre-existing; invent as in create something new.
:- Doug.