Wholeness calls atoms?
What if it were our wholeness
which called our atoms into existence?
:- Doug.

What if it were our wholeness
which called our atoms into existence?
:- Doug.
Militant is our music
Stirring us to
Warring against ourselves
Separating us from one another
Picking sides
As if we were not of one life
Next, may we play together?
:- Doug.
The chicken had to come first
otherwise who’d sit on the egg?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1195
Mended with its own thread
It’s all we have, we have no other
Conversation threads us together
Some are beads on a string
Some woven sturdy as canvas
Flaming red
Boring grey
Dour brown
Sad blue
Lively green
All of our colors
One fabric
All sewn together
With our own thread
We can only mend ourselves
With ourselves
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com
Where are the answers?
Where are the questions?
Why are the questions?
Do we need stories more than questions
or questions more than stories?
Questions need stories or what’s the meaning?
Stories birth questions birth stories
:- Doug.
Does the answer to your quandary lie outside you…or within you…or even among you? That presupposes a question: where does the question emerge? And why? But in answers and questions are we looking in the realm of the verbal and the mental when we could be looking at body and action? When we look here, do we see that where we live is in relation among each other and everything is moving?
:- Doug.
Think of the earth and the natural world, the power and the storms, the lightning and the wind, the uranium and jewels and volcanoes. Think too of its lesser forces: little brooks and streams going where the land allows them, gently over the centuries, cuddling into the softer land and clays, marking the earth as they move.
It is an action of with.
Movement continues. Everything is moving.
:- Doug.
Poetry, the gently strong vital masculine
Moved over the face of the dark earth,
Mysterious feminine,
And in that shimmering night
Before days
There was brought forth
The life in which we play
:- Doug.
Cooperation on the way in: people dodging in & out, cutting across multiple lanes to find one that is momentarily faster. Yet the traffic works because people are cooperating and those doing those other things are the biggest threats to the safety of the whole. This does not mean we need to be dumb driven cattle, but we can be kind, opening the way for a stranger, we can relax and pay attention. We can be with the other drivers and accomplish good—getting there.
:- Doug.
Honor your eldering insights—Write them down! Share them! Open a window: let them fly in, let them fly out!
:- Doug.
When the world
wants to treat your illness
as if you were machine
or a chemistry experiment
or you as if you are only this illness
we are flesh
we are blood
we are we
:- Doug.
The world is our donut
Filled with G*d
Biting in, something
wonderful oozes
onto our chin!
Lick, enjoy,
:- Doug.
Intimacy requires opening our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This is the hardest thing to do, and therefore it is the strongest thing we can do. Yet intimacy also means showing our nuances. Shades of grey to darkest shadows and all the subtle colors, bold or pastel or washed out. Many sides have we.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1194
To a butterfly
you must not lie
she will carry your words
far and wide
telling the flowers
and the bees
if it is a lie
they will feel strangled
they might wilt and die
if it is your deepest truth
they are freed
to flower and buzz
To a butterfly
we must all be real
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com