you meet you in me
How do I meet you?
Perhaps you meet you in me
:- Doug.

Stretching words
peeling their rind
digging out their fruit center
finding their seed
such is the poet’s work
:- Doug.
Meeting means not only meeting another being as such but meeting meeting itself. “May there be a goodly share on every table everywhere” means responsibility for humans and for me. Meeting implies responsibility in response. Meeting meeting in its moving. Meeting a mirroring: responding to responding.
:- Doug.
I-Thou and I-It it seems to tell us something in their respective dashes: In one case it is one directional, in the other multi dimensional. Maybe that is a clue to understanding Buber anew.
:- Doug.
What if the holy were the strandings between beings: the pulsing threading; always moving; touching, meeting? This meets the test of verbing: holy other. It meets the test of being in presence in nature. It meets the test of Indra’s net.
:- Doug.