Before you visit your lawyer for your Will
Before you visit your lawyer for your Will, visit your journaling pad. Complete this sentence: My daughter, my son, I want for you….
:- Doug.

Before you visit your lawyer for your Will, visit your journaling pad. Complete this sentence: My daughter, my son, I want for you….
:- Doug.
A large bird circles lazily overhead
a squirrel plays on the lawn
but if the squirrel had seen
would it have been
so lackadaisical?
Or if the hawk had been hungry
would the squirrel now be?
And we, do we look to the future,
do we know we are invited, here, to live?
:- Doug.
If the economy is not going to return to what it was, what can we make of it now? If this state hangs around, what do we do with the do-do we’re in? If we can no longer live how we have lived, how then shall we live?
:- Doug.