Holy otherness draws us out
The holy otherness of God
Draws us out to meet
The sundry others around us
:- Doug.

The holy otherness of God
Draws us out to meet
The sundry others around us
:- Doug.
Now be here I’ve heard
But where is here?
Inside my head? my heart?
Attending the air in & out?
This room?
The immediate world outside this room?
The traffic?
The circle a half mile round?
Our town?
Our planet?
Our world?
More still?
The people about?
The people about whom I know little?
In the presence of presence
:- Doug.
I do not know, I cannot, uncertainty
angel or God, stops me here and turns me
towards the future I’d not choose but must
Certainty I’d always sought turns out
to be chimera, enemy
With this uncertainty I must grapple
exact a blessing in exchange for my wound
:- Doug.