we will not let go till he bless us
Wrestle with life: this has been the prescription ever since Jacob wrestled with JHWH. We have been given a limp in the part that holds us up, and we will not let the other go till he bless us.
:- Doug.

Wrestle with life: this has been the prescription ever since Jacob wrestled with JHWH. We have been given a limp in the part that holds us up, and we will not let the other go till he bless us.
:- Doug.
There is a mystery to be explored, a truth elusive.
We are the mystery and part of a larger mystery. The depth will never be plumbed, and that is the fun part.
We are part of each other, part of the mystery of each other.
It is our job to embrace all of life: embrace, engage; people and other beings as well as things. It is our joy, our fullness as well.
:- Doug.
Be within the flowing
of our world
Pray not
God pray
with the birds
with the grasses
with the ponds
with the people
among whom you walk
:- Doug.
I do not have to write three pages, only
The truth of the day
:- Doug.