The individual stands for the universal
The individual stands for the universal
the individual’s right is the right to be heard
If one is not heard are heard none
:- Doug.

The individual stands for the universal
the individual’s right is the right to be heard
If one is not heard are heard none
:- Doug.
is probably
what we
most need
in order
to live
:- Doug.
Do you want to live? Meet!
Hear another! And be heard!
Write poetry to hear your own voice!
Engage our world for its betterment!
Find a mystery to chew upon!
Risk your soul for your soul!
Tell a paradox about truth!
Wrestle with life! Exercise it!
:- Doug.
These are a lot of different ways to say it, and I need to give up the need to say them all. I need to be there and simply gently say what they need to hear from within themselves.
That is the key, yes? Give voice to what is already present: the part of ourselves that seeks peace and gentleness, open space, freedom to be and be heard.
:- Doug.
There are things more important than, more essential than, stuffing one more thing to do into our day. Our essences demand space, openness, gentleness.
:- Doug.