What questions?
What questions do you need to ask each other? What do you need to say?
:- Doug.

To evoke—call up—what’s true within
Requires time—but not clock time
A space-time unforced, favorable to spirit
When-in soul can find spacious openness
Not chronos but kairos: time’s right
:- Doug.
Entrepreneuring is a lonely thing
The edges of your world shrink
To the walls of your shop
Your vision to that one
Little window
Poetry is measured
—Just by different measures
From commerce’s Dollars & Numbers
Instead by feet and syllables
Not by letters but by heart’s beat
Stretch this window & those walls
Make room for your soul
& your friends
To tell you their ideas & pains
Your own to hear
:- Doug.
Find a poem in your responses:
1. What is your truth about the world-work you want to do?
2. What is your truth about the people you want to do it among?
3. What is your truth about life?
:- Doug.