Chisel on stone
Chisel on stone
pain rounds us out
Seed in egg
among sends us out
No lightning, much sweat
together to wrest into existence
Divinity’s new realms
:- Doug.

Chisel on stone
pain rounds us out
Seed in egg
among sends us out
No lightning, much sweat
together to wrest into existence
Divinity’s new realms
:- Doug.
The music of the guitar is not made by the sounding box nor the tuning pegs, but by the strings between. the rhythm of the drum is not made by sticks nor skins but by their touch—between. Your human voice touches my ears but makes its music in our hearts.
:- Doug.
That’s what conversation is—
Betweens, amongs, betweens, amongs
Generating larger life
:- Doug.