Touch the world every among you can
Touch the world every between and among you can. Play here. Remind us we are whole.
:- Doug.

Touch the world every between and among you can. Play here. Remind us we are whole.
:- Doug.
Our bigger effects are not on people or things; rather on what happens between and among them. Why was Joe angry with you? Perhaps for a complex of 102 interactions from Joe’s day. Interactions and interrelationships carry power as well as numbers: you touch 200 other people, but you also touch the second and third relations of the relations of them. A touch on one thread quivers all. Look here. Hear here. Make whole.
:- Doug.
Whole making tells us who we are and gets us on the road to generating our essence into the world. We dig into the wounds, we cry out. We hear our cry and in it our essence. Our essence leads us out into the world to make it in the image of the good we have seen living in us.
:- Doug.
There is something here that needs to be heard, said, that won’t yet let me go. It is a matter of whole-making: pain is the whole part; hearing is the making.
:- Doug.
We are
By pain completed
By being heard generated
We are ourselves
By owned pain completing
By hearing generating
:- Doug.