What does pain do?
What does pain do? It engages us in the completion of the world.
:- Doug.

A prophet cries out
In the streets of our city
Pain you!
What have you done?
Own this in deep remorse
Permit your pain to heal you.
Grieve you!
Naked, on bedrock
Allow your grieving to heal all of you
Converse you!
Grow your hope
& put it to work.
Story you!
Generate new worlds
Worlds living, organic & whole
:- Doug.
When the beloved dies, let us be ready to ask in love: What will you miss? What did you not do you wish you had? What specific thing can you do to carry out in a larger way what you wish you could do? How can you make the world whole despite the fact that there is now a hole in the world?
:- Doug.
Today’s prophetic voice speaks through the power of grief & pain to heal us; and the power of consciously conversing & storying to generate new worlds.
:- Doug.