A fundamental choice:
I set before you a choice: seize life by the throat, or dance with her.
:- Doug.

I set before you a choice: seize life by the throat, or dance with her.
:- Doug.
How do we control the world? It will not. Try this experiment: tell a two-year-old what to do. Do you meet with 100% success? If then you cannot control a two-year-old, how much less the world?
Where is our effort likely to meet success—in seeking control of the uncontrollable—or in meeting it?
There are some things we can control, but by and large, others and forces have sway too. For me I say better to dance with.
I am still learning to dance. It is fun. It is work. It is lively.
:- Doug.
We often live in a world of control. We drive here, we program our computer, we write checks—and something happens. Something we intended. Even our prayers are to a God we demand pull some strings for us. Yet there is another way to live—we can live in a world of responses: of world to us, us to world, us to one another; in short, in conversation with. Which is uptight, which is relaxed? Which boring, which limitless? Which strangling and dead, which living?
:- Doug.
to demand
that the government
And working
to gain a seat
at the
where decisions are made
Both branch from the
same bush
to others
Tend with
the whole
:- Doug.
Not important who gets credit
Important the new idea gets
Set at large
:- Doug.