Elders invite eldering.
Elders invite eldering.
:- Doug.

Footprints in the Windsm # 1175
The sun
and the wind
& the dragonflies
are oneand sitting among
all these
you and I
with them
are onehawk wheeling above
dew glittering
cars with
pavement singing
are onetree frogs
not heard
but deafening
remind us all
are onestorm & thunder
greening gardens
destruction & babies
even politicians
are onesweat and
all breath and
one last breath
are one
Please pass it on.
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Remember yourselves, remember your higher calling. Pay no attention to the tinkling bell laughing at truth and play. Pay no attention to the rock throwers, nor to the tempting things to eat or distract. Live, engage.
:- Doug.
Assimilation needs attention and intention. It occurs not even primarily in one person’s head, but between and among living beings. Here we need to attend.
:- Doug.
Some academic fallacies, and sub-fallacies: Because we (the colleges) are the seat of learning, we are the seat of credentials—all credentials. We are the seat of all learning.
Everything that can be known can be given in a lecture. Everything that can be known is known.
There lives among these fallacies the danger of academic hubris—that we are the ones who know it.
There is no room for experience, nor for art, nor especially in our culture, for betweens and amongs: the group mind.
Therefore everything to be known can be known and processed inside a single (human) brain. Thus the way to “teach” is by depositing.
There is no room for interplay.
:- Doug.
Open Space is not an add-on; it is an essential part. We sometimes have an unstated assumption that after “Teaching” a natural process takes place in one person’s head, and this process cannot be—should not be—purposely initiated nor done between and among people. Examine that proposition.
:- Doug.
The grey falcon circles and thousands of miles
even thousands of eons
condense instantly to a point
:- Doug.
I do not sell Wills. I counsel new
Ways for elders to see & hear their tribe
From ways come good
:- Doug.
Your question is clear evidence
You are seeking something you
Do not see. Maybe listen a new way to see
:- Doug.
What are the roads which lead from
The divine to the human in this age we
Think is scientific, rational, logical? We
deny—or hope—these roads, their source
Do not exist but this yard whistles to us
And we
Go about
Mostly missing
Our invitations
:- Doug.
Eldering is using good heads and good hearts for better generations, for a next 20 years that matters.
:- Doug.
Is your only value to your grandchildren your wallet? If not, then you ought to think about the better gifts you have to give—your wisdom and spirit and approach to the world.
:- Doug.