We cannot give each other ideas
We cannot give each other ideas. We can only give a prickly object that might just grow.
:- Doug.
We cannot give each other ideas. We can only give a prickly object that might just grow.
:- Doug.
Our wanting
can block & blur our
richer selves
business success can turn us
from filling a world need to
buying a new convertible
a beautiful spouse &
big parties with important people
can keep us
from seeing this little person
is important too
Remember today
to expand
all hearts you touch
Fill the stomach
starve the soul
Nurture spirit
nurture life
:- Doug.
Care is at least in part
Of the cash register
Caring is from the heart
:- Doug.
When your sister is in the hospital, instead of absently turning magazine pages, you could open a notebook and explore her lifetime of clues to you.
:- Doug.
To touch another living being is to touch holy other. Gentle, gentle: receive, take in.
:- Doug.
Living is Conversing.
:- Doug.
What if eldering led us into a richer conversation? Eldering is whole-making. Life is conversing.
:- Doug.
It is a good sign in a meeting when people want to exchange their contact information.
:- Doug.
Caring, my heart is with elders
Care can be only a financial transaction
My heart is with the elders
Because they have found the way of wisdom
Some of them
:- Doug.
I fall asleep
Entertaining G*d
With my questions, insights, and almost dreams
:- Doug.
What tasks in our lives are finished?
:- Doug.
This is business space, this is holy space. One includes the other.
:- Doug.
This is holy work. This is other, as God is other. The angels sing, “Other, Other, Other!”
:- Doug.
Someone young in the world said “If you’re on time, you’re already late.” Up-tightness does not serve humans well. There is no power in pinchedness.
:- Doug.
Maybe it’s our job to speak truth
To those who would lead us into
Stupidity, cupidity and hate
:- Doug.
Eldering is
Engaging the world’s gears
Inviting its children out to play
To turn, to dance—to converse!
:- Doug.
Is the industrial model the best we can devise for education, for leading out? Does the mind do its best work sitting still, hands folded, a jug waiting for oceans to be poured in? Or is it a gear turned loose upon the landscape, out to engage dirt and tree, test tube and lightning flash?
:- Doug.
Elder stands for our inner higher.
:- Doug.
There is someone here you need to meet.
:- Doug.
You can get something in conversing
You can get no other place
This person, this now
:- Doug.
Conversation is presence
:- Doug.
The moments of life are more precious
To me now than when I was your age
So may we use them to carry valuable conversation?
:- Doug.
The more one knows the harder it is to be adamant about the best option.
:- Doug.