Entertaining G*d
I fall asleep
Entertaining G*d
With my questions, insights, and almost dreams
:- Doug.
I fall asleep
Entertaining G*d
With my questions, insights, and almost dreams
:- Doug.
What tasks in our lives are finished?
:- Doug.
This is business space, this is holy space. One includes the other.
:- Doug.
This is holy work. This is other, as God is other. The angels sing, “Other, Other, Other!”
:- Doug.
Someone young in the world said “If you’re on time, you’re already late.” Up-tightness does not serve humans well. There is no power in pinchedness.
:- Doug.
Maybe it’s our job to speak truth
To those who would lead us into
Stupidity, cupidity and hate
:- Doug.
Eldering is
Engaging the world’s gears
Inviting its children out to play
To turn, to dance—to converse!
:- Doug.
Is the industrial model the best we can devise for education, for leading out? Does the mind do its best work sitting still, hands folded, a jug waiting for oceans to be poured in? Or is it a gear turned loose upon the landscape, out to engage dirt and tree, test tube and lightning flash?
:- Doug.
Elder stands for our inner higher.
:- Doug.