respect the pain of older ones
I respect the pain of the older ones; I cannot always alleviate it. This is the difference between caring and care. I respect the beauty of each soul, and seek to hear it out into the open.
:- Doug.
I respect the pain of the older ones; I cannot always alleviate it. This is the difference between caring and care. I respect the beauty of each soul, and seek to hear it out into the open.
:- Doug.
What is it important to meet about? Every creature around us needs us to sniff in its beauty, to respect its pain.
:- Doug.
There is a power we have
A feral power inbred in us
& between & among us
When we own it we walk forward
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1162
I can make things better and I can make things verse!
Please pass it on.
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We cannot hold up a doll and say this is God, because whatever we say is incomplete.
:- Doug.
G*d is one who hides and asks us to seek. Or is our milieu so present as to be forgotten.
:- Doug.
In writing about legal or medical topics there is a danger of giving too much info which is at the same time too little. The danger arises from transferring fact without nuance. Truism without truth can kill. Info without understanding of the web within which it exists can do great harm. The direction we need heed is wholeness.
:- Doug.
There is sacrificing your ego,
which leads to your true self
& sacrificing your true self,
which leads to tension between
your true self which is ever part of you
& your ego which is not
So will it be continual weariness or energy?
Many women live in true self sacrifice
many men live in ego
Free men and women have
thrown away the mask
:- Doug.
Moon and star do a slow dance
We, minute gazers, wonder
At this vast & profound beauty
Just maybe, some space-time else,
Some one is seeing us
As their own
:- Doug.
The heart we share
lives in us no matter
how much stuff we throw on top
no matter how much we argue & scream at
no matter how we get distracted
not sugary adolescent words a-many
but strong adult poetry
each reader must work into the open
this heart into which we were born
and still live
& we can yet be human
& a people
:- Doug.
What is pure
absence that
we might sit in
it, & what is it to be
without expectation?
:- Doug.
It has come!
Our invitation to
Meet with great souls!
They’re all about us now
Let’s not miss a one!
Each an edge
:- Doug.
There is deep all around us. I see this from the fact that I have insights nearly daily that are profound. I am growing, but they are growing wild all about!
:- Doug.