Wild all around us
There is deep all around us. I see this from the fact that I have insights nearly daily that are profound. I am growing, but they are growing wild all about!
:- Doug.

There is deep all around us. I see this from the fact that I have insights nearly daily that are profound. I am growing, but they are growing wild all about!
:- Doug.
three coins
same worth:
grief & amazement
empty-making & whole-making
surrender & becoming generosity
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1161
My grandson
There is work for you to do
A large something
Hidden in your heart
Do it whether you are paid or not
For spirit—yours and all—depends upon it
Please pass it on.
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Go away Holy Spirit
if you would fill us
we cannot be filled
full as we are
empty us of our holy thoughts
make us
wholly empty
of what we think is right
& to holy humanity
to whole holiness
open us
:- Doug.
We empty the pond not
to fill it anew but
to dig it deeper, wider, to
open it to the
:- Doug.