Giving to the wind
Giving myself away
To the wind
Not as a leaf blown
But as a swimmer within
This gossamer fluid throwing in every last bit
(There never is a choice, all is demanded of each)
Throwing in to life
:- Doug.

Giving myself away
To the wind
Not as a leaf blown
But as a swimmer within
This gossamer fluid throwing in every last bit
(There never is a choice, all is demanded of each)
Throwing in to life
:- Doug.
When I said community disorganizer, you laughed; there is also a side where we notice others’ tears and try to weave those tears and that laughter into a better now.
:- Doug.
The beating of the drums
The music of the spheres
Rhythm, rhythm
Thrumming of our veins
Calling us to be
One…one, one, one…one
:- Doug.
I ask
How can we
what we have
what we need?
who we are
:- Doug.