What business is it of a lawyer
What business is it of a lawyer
Meddling with death?
To make whole, to invite healing?
:- Doug.
What business is it of a lawyer
Meddling with death?
To make whole, to invite healing?
:- Doug.
Ends a work
Starts a work
Life continues
Stops our tracks
Brings up histories
Makes room
Dumps good with bad
Throws us together
Raises questions of peace, justice, love
How shall we together?
Or shall we?
:- Doug.
I have a tiny law practice
From which my tentacles reach out light years
& with my friends in turn am touched
By so many other universes
:- Doug.
The With-nesses of Long-Term Care:
Disease partakes of the It
Sickness has me
Illness has us
Still, we can have the Healing
:- Doug.
You don’t need a Living Will, you need the conversation.
:- Doug.