a standard for us to emulate
God is a standard for us to emulate. God is the best beyond which we cannot imagine. God’s standard is a dream for us: love, whole-giving love. When love gives all, love experiences all, has all.
:- Doug.

God is a standard for us to emulate. God is the best beyond which we cannot imagine. God’s standard is a dream for us: love, whole-giving love. When love gives all, love experiences all, has all.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1114
Today I just want to sit with you
Doing turns to doing not
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
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This is the difference between having lots to do and doing something significant, something worth pouring your life out for. This is the difference between normal family chatter and meaningful talk. It is the difference between “business after hours” cocktail talk and really conversing. This is why I say we have never talked like this: because we have not yet used up our last full measure of ourselves. Living our deepest and fullest means getting outside our own skin, doing something for beyond your little self. Are we living our deepest and fullest?
So it is that we must love others till they live their deepest and fullest.
So it is that we discover our fullest and deepest lives are in living larger than ourselves.
We do not do this then to prove a point, nor to win others over: we do this because we love.
:- Doug.
You’re getting older: are you getting more used up?
:- Doug.
Love them till they live their deepest and fullest—and then you see you are too.
:- Doug.
Meet. Speak of what has meaning, speak of whole-making. Find out what is going on—elicit current stories, and tell some of my own. Seek especially stories of gathering.
:- Doug.
Efficiency in our inviting enterprise lies in two directions: always be inviting (if simply to get good at many ways to invite); especially seek out those who have a reason to gather people.
:- Doug.
It has to do with doing: Doing something larger than one little life.
:- Doug.
This is a hard thing to do. It is hard for me to get out there and get active. If it is hard for me, it is hard for others. Yet here is life: in meeting.
:- Doug.
Is this a losing battle? No! We must we must get as many as possible people alive.
:- Doug.
Don’t hang back. Don’t fear not succeeding: your good head and your good heart increases the chances you will improve things. But also don’t dismiss it as being unimportant compared to earning your paycheck or mowing your lawn: if it touches you, you are the one. If you don’t act, it won’t get done. You’re in charge!
:- Doug.
Conversing, we create our sea by swimming in it.
:- Doug.
What in the world should be better? Fix it. You’re in charge!
:- Doug.
More complex than physics is biology
More complex than biology is art
More complex than art is conversation
:- Doug.
“The world” is an ordering concept: it helps me to organize my thoughts about the all. “The universe” is an ordering concept; so is “The whole” and even “I” and even “God.” Here I organize my thoughts and meanings around my experiences.
My metaphors then are not right or wrong, they are just mine, because my experiences are mine and not yours. The same for yours or that theologian’s, or any other person’s. Still the most particular is the most universal.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1113
The world is still
The world keeps slow turning
Whatever swirls around me
Mostly within me
When these swirls have quieted
The world will yet be still
The world will yet keep slow turning
I can be still too
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com
The most effective thing you can do is converse.
:- Doug.
My terribly important mission is to get people talking with one another—not again, but for the first time, really talking.
:- Doug.