Speak of whole-making
Meet. Speak of what has meaning, speak of whole-making. Find out what is going on—elicit current stories, and tell some of my own. Seek especially stories of gathering.
:- Doug.

Meet. Speak of what has meaning, speak of whole-making. Find out what is going on—elicit current stories, and tell some of my own. Seek especially stories of gathering.
:- Doug.
Efficiency in our inviting enterprise lies in two directions: always be inviting (if simply to get good at many ways to invite); especially seek out those who have a reason to gather people.
:- Doug.
It has to do with doing: Doing something larger than one little life.
:- Doug.
This is a hard thing to do. It is hard for me to get out there and get active. If it is hard for me, it is hard for others. Yet here is life: in meeting.
:- Doug.
Is this a losing battle? No! We must we must get as many as possible people alive.
:- Doug.