The underlying tension
The underlying tension in all tensions is finding a way opposing forces can reinforce rather than destroy each other.
:- Doug.
The underlying tension in all tensions is finding a way opposing forces can reinforce rather than destroy each other.
:- Doug.
It is good for us, and necessary, to experience a tension that draws us out of our selves, ideas, attitudes, and habits.
:- Doug.
Meditation is sitting with myself. Contemplation is sitting with God.
:- Doug.
People can change their world. Conversation can change our world.
:- Doug.
I cannot lose at life, all I can do is miss it, so I want just to be present to it.
It is not even necessary to do things to hold on to my properties and places and things and perhaps even people. They are here and they blow round me in the Wind, we swirl together, living the one life. Together is the thing, for life is about movement and about touching.
:- Doug.
The question to ask my grandchildren when we are constructing a story, to ask myself, when we are at a choice point is: What happens next that wants to go a different direction from our hero? What unexpected thing or person or being meets him or her, here?
:- Doug.
Balance is less the true status of the world than is tension. Especially creative tension. Tension ever creates. Tension generates.
:- Doug.
A being of a different sort
this cloud
traveling over our heads
usually ignored by us
smiling, crying, communicating,
merging, splitting,
a home for myriad little beings:
what is this cloud to us
what are we to this cloud?
:- Doug.
Life is not a tussle
not a tug of war
but something given
something received
something lived
something experienced
something participatory
we always win!
:- Doug.
How do you want to die?
Where? With whom near? What would be happening? What would you be doing? What would the others be doing? What would give it meaning?
:- Doug.
What would keep your dying profound?
:- Doug.
Where is the heart of this matter? How can I affect lives for better? What is fruitful here?
:- Doug.
The basis of conversation is conversation—hearts speaking with hearts, hearing each other, assimilating each other. Its scale is likely ever to be intimate. Not for conversation the stadia and the millions, rather its optimal is the living room, the coffee house, the circle.
:- Doug.
There are things we
See seldom enough
To have given them names
Shadows in the moonlight
caressing our eyes
calling us home
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1102
It’s a potluck world. We all bring what we like and share the possibilities…and burnt offerings.
Please pass it on.
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What the machine giveth, the machine taketh away. The computer saves us lots of time, but when it demands, we return the time provided. Kind of the opposite of daylight savings time, where the government takes away an hour of our sleep and then gives it back to us many months later, when our bodies have gotten used to getting up at a certain time, and we can no longer use that hour.
:- Doug.
It is possible for me to have a center outside of my self. Call it a center of gravity of our being.
:- Doug.
I have no control. Yet I can be. Whom do I want to be? It may be better to just want to be, to just be.
:- Doug.
What do you do? I love. I free. I grow.
Whom do you love? You and all.
Whom do you free? You and all.
Whom do you grow? You and all.
Where do you stop? No where.
:- Doug.
These are my love notes to I am, to the being, the being who loves me back.
:- Doug.
There is a mystery to being. How can you continue to be when all around you is crashing, when all your thoughts and worries and imaginings are crashing? And here you are, flying.
:- Doug.
You have a worry? Just be. Continue to be. The worry will resolve, and you can be. Be full.
:- Doug.
I found myself asking Abraham’s question: Who are you? The response: I am: therefore be. So you be too. How shall I respond? I am. I shall be as much as I can. I shall invite others to be. Is there more? This is enough. Enough to fill a lifetime.
:- Doug.