Footprints in the Windsm # 1106–Yet hear
Footprints in the Windsm # 1106
Yet hear
We are not slaves
awaiting command
nor marionettes awaiting
pull on our strings
Yet hearEvery now
there is a voice
in willow
in birdsong
in person in front of us
in weave of circumstance
Yet hearA call for help
a cry for justice
a longing for conversation
deep & rich
our plumb line
can go on for ever
Yet hearHere we find
our next step
work coming to hand
the need
our gifts address
if we
Yet hearThis poem is
not about hearing
it is about living
& a stance facing living
facing those also living
touch the one rhythm pulsing
feel the one stirring of breath
Yet hear
Please pass it on.
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