Footprints in the Windsm # 1105–To converse is to hear….
Footprints in the Windsm # 1105
To converse is to hear.
Conversing is not two people talking at each other or to each other or even with each other. It is hearing each other. It may not be agreeing with each other. It is standing in the face. Hearing is the essence of meeting.
It is active: it is taking in. Hearing is not done to the other as listening is; it is opening the walls, allowing touching. Touching does not mean that I accept your propositions, but it does mean I assimilate it, allow them to inform my own. Hearing does not figure out ways that our thoughts are different nor even the same: hearing does not analyze. Analysis might come later. Hearing is attempting to understand: understand not only the thought, but what lies beneath the thought.
To converse, hear.
To converse is to hear.
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