…produces something more
Conversation produces
Something more
:- Doug.

Do you read a book to get to the end of it, or to receive what it gives?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1104
Where do your fingers reach?
When do your ripples complete their run?
Did your footsteps begin before you?
Do they come to rest on another’s feet?
—Whose depths might your words, skipping, sound?
—The stream starting with your tears: who will cry?
—Say for yourself, for all of us:
I am porous; cosmoses flow through me
eons caress, give birth, call forth in my core
—Who will put muscle to our dream?
—Which generations will be moved?
—Where the end in time?
—When the reach in space?
Please pass it on.
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I am attracted to the idea of God being the cosmic vital flow of history: this speaks to me both of an immanent God and of a transcendent God. It says to me that God is larger than a personified object, and is subject and a force.
Hard to grasp,
difficult to find words
and yet personal:
the one we cannot get our arms around
but a child can
God is the omega that attracts us together, is purposive and generative. I do not know if that means the purpose is that I become rich or that X becomes healthy again; but I can see that it means that the world comes to revolve around love.
So then I can see a truth to the idea that we are here learning: we are learning to love so that those here in this world may love ever increasingly. We are less learning for another world to come but this one to be nurtured.
:- Doug.