the worth of muddles
We move from the beginning and then the muddle helps us to find our way to the essential, and when the junk is cleared, then we can start.
:- Doug.

We move from the beginning and then the muddle helps us to find our way to the essential, and when the junk is cleared, then we can start.
:- Doug.
Is your primary desire to produce something or limit what you produce?
:- Doug.
As we reach out, our manipulations manipulate each other, becoming self reflective and emergent beyond and more powerful than any individual.
:- Doug.
We will always be less than all, but with our manipulating powers we can more and more increase the good at large in the all.
:- Doug.
The all there is is my name for God; the totality of reality is God. God is inseparable from any piece of reality. Therefore is a workable worldview threefold: 1. G*d-world; 2. humans; 3. The mediator between the first two is love = Christ.
:- Doug.
There is a bigger picture than only humans. Obviously: other species, the atoms and quarks, the music of the spheres. There is poetry and an upward call—is this simply human?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1106
Yet hear
We are not slaves
awaiting command
nor marionettes awaiting
pull on our strings
Yet hearEvery now
there is a voice
in willow
in birdsong
in person in front of us
in weave of circumstance
Yet hearA call for help
a cry for justice
a longing for conversation
deep & rich
our plumb line
can go on for ever
Yet hearHere we find
our next step
work coming to hand
the need
our gifts address
if we
Yet hearThis poem is
not about hearing
it is about living
& a stance facing living
facing those also living
touch the one rhythm pulsing
feel the one stirring of breath
Yet hear
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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Humankind manipulates our environment more than any other species. And ourselves: what other species has clothing?
:- Doug.
Our worldview must have flexibility to allow for daily and decades long progress.
:- Doug.
The work we’re in the midst of may be helping to redefine Christianity, for our age.
:- Doug.
Dig with both hands! Up to our elbows! Seek our right brain and left, art and heart and Dollars and numbers. Make the world whole.
:- Doug.
This town is a beautiful place to live and work. There is beauty dotted about. There is work of justice and love to be done.
:- Doug.
Information has a shelf life. Last night I had to reinstall an old program on a new computer. Although I’m sure the registration code is well stored, it was easier to call the company and get a new one, than to go find my records.
:- Doug.
You are screaming so loudly I cannot hear you. This describes our politics today. We can, we can, move beyond, with conversation.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1105
To converse is to hear.
Conversing is not two people talking at each other or to each other or even with each other. It is hearing each other. It may not be agreeing with each other. It is standing in the face. Hearing is the essence of meeting.
It is active: it is taking in. Hearing is not done to the other as listening is; it is opening the walls, allowing touching. Touching does not mean that I accept your propositions, but it does mean I assimilate it, allow them to inform my own. Hearing does not figure out ways that our thoughts are different nor even the same: hearing does not analyze. Analysis might come later. Hearing is attempting to understand: understand not only the thought, but what lies beneath the thought.
To converse, hear.
To converse is to hear.
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
Conversation is a new world waiting; there is much to explore, let us begin.
:- Doug.
We are imaginative critters—we want to have something larger and beyond us, better than us, something to aspire to. We want a wide-open blue sky overhead. This feeds our blood and our flying. Icarus had it right. The teller of his story could not explain why Icarus flew away and never came back to the teller’s earth and its chains.
:- Doug.
I opened my inner eyes and saw that each of us compasses a universe; these universes can and do freshen each other like spring breezes; these breezes open the others they touch with songs of what we can do, and with proddings that now is the time to begin.
:- Doug.