Our ecstasy and God’s are one
Our ecstasy and God’s are one. There is but one life, one love, one ecstasy, and it meets.
:- Doug.

Our ecstasy and God’s are one. There is but one life, one love, one ecstasy, and it meets.
:- Doug.
Let us go to base. Let us find out who we are, beneath any masks.
Let us find God. Let us let God find us. It is not a quest but a falling onto the downy bed. Once there, we get up and get to work. The cycle of coming home and going out to fulfill the world is the base.
:- Doug.
What is deepest in humans, what is perhaps deepest in all the world: this is where we have the inklings of God.
This points to this emerging picture of God’s face disappearing as God’s face as monarch, and re-emerging in the green of nature, the blue and grey of the skies, the thunder and the sound of still hush, the cry of the baby and the lulling of the mother, the face of a friend and of a foe, the flow of history, the meeting, ever the meeting.
:- Doug.
Some of our models of God translate well and almost directly as models of human conduct: our role in relation with the world. They become ways of asking, How high can we aim? Thus, God as mother translates as each human as parent to the world. The earth as the body of God translates as the earth as our own body-extension.
How high can we aim?
:- Doug.
We can in our volunteer hours and in our donations to alleviate suffering from hurricanes and tsunamis, and especially in our attitudes about our work (I am making the world better, little by little, by my work) and our conversations (When we talk about global warming and starving children, we are helping, just that little bit). Not everyone will want to be an activist, jumping in and making something happen. But we can make something happen on this block, in this neighborhood. What is needful is this mindset of taking charge for.
:- Doug.