If I sing for you the song I hear
If I sing for you the song I hear
if I am a bit or a lot out of tune
do not fault me
you may sing along if you wish
:- Doug.

If I sing for you the song I hear
if I am a bit or a lot out of tune
do not fault me
you may sing along if you wish
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1093
I never met a person I didn’t change. I never met a person who didn’t change me. Walk gently on holy ground.
Please pass it on.
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There is a reach in the movement conversation starts.
:- Doug.
There is a power in creative events, the unique entering the moment.
:- Doug.
Our actions set in motion a whole range of things that can extend beyond our reach and strength. This is the power of conversation, the power to start more than we can. This is the work of community disorganizing.
:- Doug.
Conversation can start events in motion. Deeds outlive us, exceed our capacities. We have, in word exchanged, an atom waiting to be cracked for good. Our biggest work: starting movement.
:- Doug.
Is there something larger in your life than yourself?
:- Doug.
God’s will comes to me more often as Question than Answer.
:- Doug.
God’s will comes to us as the sound of still hush: Who is in front of you? What is called for in your setting this moment?
:- Doug.
Our learning comes at the edges of what we know.
:- Doug.
The people at the top already know they affect the world. We must, we must work with those who are ready to see.
:- Doug.
Our life grows out of moments more than plans.
:- Doug.
Nobody has said it all. Nobody can capture significance. That’s why we need all voices in all times.
:- Doug.
We can be about instilling a new creative event in history. All we need is one moment. Our calendars treat all hours alike, an endlessly turning wheel to which we are tied. If we are always alert to the unique entering the moment, this now can change our larger course.
:- Doug.
“God’s will” we say
such a harsh hammering
image we impose on God
such a whimpering infant-like
role we impose on humans
when what we hear is
the sound of still hush
within lives we are constructing
out of wind & storm
:- Doug.