It is instructive to note Neanderthals ate only meat.
It is instructive to note Neanderthals ate only meat.
:- Doug.

It is instructive to note Neanderthals ate only meat.
:- Doug.
Rather than sustain
Let us & all generations
Support life
Nurture our children
Generate new ways to
Be alive
:- Doug.
What have I experienced of G*d?
I have experienced overflowing diversity. I have experienced personal connection. I have experienced the vision of the grey cloth and the rainbow lights. I have experienced my parents on the night of their deaths. I have experienced the love of a woman and of children and of grandchildren. I have experienced the growing of a garden, and all its production and all its disappointments and all its prolific weeds! I have experienced the profundity of connection with others—being heard, hearing—and the frustration of not having my agenda accepted by others. I have experienced, in short, many aspects. G*d cannot be kept in a can.
I have experienced synchronicity and I wonder at that, now more than before. It is not a matter of seeing a puppet master pulling strings to make it all fit, but a matter of wonder how it all does come together without a puppet master, in a much more subtle and nuanced way. I see that there is wonder and mystery here and more to learn, more to do.
:- Doug.
When we chose to be born into the joy and good of family, we accepted the necessary pain and evil. These are all wrapped in the package, multicolored threads jumbled in the box, from which we weave our cloth alive.
:- Doug.
We now have the power to end all life on this planet—on purpose. Not even nature has this power. And we say humans have not changed.
:- Doug.
God is growing
—Look at beans!
God is caring
—Look to the rains!
God is diversifying
—Look at the animals, plants, people!
:- Doug.
We ascribe many things to God—anger, hands, eyes, voice—but where did we get the models for these things, and to what reality do they point?
:- Doug.
What are the opportunities to engage culture with culture? To see the wealth of possibilities in engaging each other?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1086
Apply salve here, invite this one and that one, bring the world together.
Please pass it on.
© c 2010, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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Is is what Life!
Is about
We are hear
Less to prepare
For an other world
More for this & Now
To See
What is possible
:- Doug.
When we install new software, we can expect several things to be out of sync. The same is true of cultures: when we bring peoples together and new ideas together, there will be a time while we adjust one to the other, before we can play together well.
We must be willing to both work through this period and make adjustments ourselves.
:- Doug.
God gave all—his beloved son. Jesus gave all—for his friends. Why would we not want to do so too?
:- Doug.
It is all about loving God: God so loved the world, so why wouldn’t we?
:- Doug.
Testing and exploring, trying things out, seeking to find our for ourselves: this means we are not taking anything on authority or on tradition or on what is written somewhere, but we are testing out for ourselves what might bring us closer to the really real.
:- Doug.
When it comes to God no one knows, everyone is an agnostic, and everything we say about God is a metaphor: using inappropriate words to say some things that might help us learn more about what we know nothing.
So when I am playing with metaphors what I am really doing is testing out the metaphors to see what they might teach us, knowing that none of them tell the whole story and that the map is not the territory, nor is the word God.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1085
Today, I love.
Please pass it on.
© c 2010, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
Playfully—to play, to play
Testing & Trying
Seeking and Hugging
Something more & All this
:- Doug.
If you want to be clear why choose a word like hermeneutics? Heuristic thought is a slightly better big word because I must work out for myself what it means.
:- Doug.
Our age is coming to a realization of the essential interconnectedness of all. A drilling platform explode and an American presidency and people are put in crisis. A hurricane and a tsunami strike remote parts and the world responds in heart currency. An illness develops and is soon brought here by travelers. In such an interrelated world it can be little wonder that what is most needed and effective is to converse widely and intimately.
:- Doug.