Consider all possibilities/Simultaneously/…
Consider all possibilities
The world does
God does
Open to all
Choose the most ripe
Open before choose
:- Doug.

Consider all possibilities
The world does
God does
Open to all
Choose the most ripe
Open before choose
:- Doug.
I think I do not believe in a creator God, but in a creating God.
:- Doug.
The arrow points up—not down to ever smaller particles, but up to the organizing loving force. The arrow points up.
:- Doug.
I do not expect that when I pray there is someone out there who will jump to action and change the future to suit me. Instead, I see there is someone out there who will jump to the action of loving me. That is all I can ask, and that is all there is to be given: This is the all, the being, the love. The giving is the giving of all: God.
:- Doug.
Everything in the all has other ideas, other notions of equal value to our own. So we do not control, by our own hand nor by pulling on the puppet strings of God’s, the actions of the world. But we can share with one another, let loose of the suffering, let loose of our separations, and then see that everything works together for good for love.
One life, one being, one love.
:- Doug.
The underlying problem with violence and most anger is that it is a way of taking for yourself, of grasping, of controlling and holding on. Once we can let go, then we find no need for these.
:- Doug.
Let us hear God. Let us receive God. Let us take in God to the fiber of our being. Let us let go our egos and become only God.
:- Doug.
I invite one thing and one thing only: conversing, love in motion.
:- Doug.
What is life about? It is about loving and living it. It is about touching one another. It is about helping one another. Conversing, all conversing.
:- Doug.
I invite conversations about end of life decisions, about living after the Will, about voices around the campfire.
:- Doug.
I hunger for meaningful conversation that takes us toward action…for one another.
:- Doug.
When in a crowd, move toward the person with the most suffering. Receive the person.
:- Doug.
The most solid thing in the universe is love. All is in motion. By love we can be held; here is the only solidity; and it too is moving.
:- Doug.